Think you have content worth sharing with other educators? Why not contribute to the Exchange Archive?
Note: You cannot contribute videos that are already in the Exchange, or are linked to a ClickView Video You can however Suggest an edit!
1. From My Videos, select the video you want to add to the Exchange Archive, and click the three dots icon:
2. Clicking the three dots presents you with the menu below. Select "Contribute to Exchange Archive"
3. The contribute to Exchange Archive screen will appear and this is where you can tell us some useful information about the associated video metadata.
4. Select the appropriate Category for your video to be added to. This is the folder where your video would appear.
4. Populate the rest of the meta data such as a rating, when it was Broadcast or created, the channel it was broadcast on, and any relevant details about season and episode numbers. Once populated, click the 'Contribute' button.
Note: if contributing your own content, select the Channel of "Other"
5. Our content team will review the video and notify you if/when your video has been made available