**Please note, this article is not applicable if you use Single Sign On**
Click here to check if your institute uses Single Sign On before proceeding.
As an Administrator, log into ClickView using your normal user account. From the landing page, select your name in the top right corner of the screen and select 'Settings':
If you do not see this setting, please contact ClickView Customer support for further assistance.
From the settings screen, you’ll see the User Management options for Student manager and Staff manager:
Select Staff manager from the User Management options. Staff accounts can be created in bulk via an import, or singularly for ad-hoc user accounts.
Single User Creation
Click the button +Add new staff and select the 'Manually create account' option you’ll be presented with the create new staff form:
Bulk User Creation
Click the button +Add new staff and select the 'Upload a spreadsheet' option and you’ll be presented with information about the format required for uploading into ClickView. Download the template by clicking the ‘download’ button or construct your csv in this format.
Once the list of users is ready to import, click the Upload .csv file button.
**Note, please check for leading or trailing spaces within your data prior to uploading**
The next step of the process is to review the list of staff, prior to creating their user accounts. ClickView has inbuilt validation to capture common mistakes such as missing information or incorrect formats.
The Review screen can be toggled to show all students in the import, or just those with validation errors. ClickView allows Admin users to edit the incorrect information quickly and easily on the fly by clicking on the pencil icon.
Once all validation errors are resolved, click the Create accounts button.
As the Administrator performing the bulk import, you'll be emailed a list of user credentials to help your staff with logging in.