The ClickView Exchange allows users to upload content from broadcast television as well as content that they have produced themselves. It is content by educators for educators, it’s what makes the ClickView Exchange so special!
Looking to contribute?
To ensure the ClickView Exchange remains vibrant, collaborative and educational it’s important to ask yourself three questions when you make a contribution:
Is it educational?The ClickView Exchange is a platform for boosting student engagement and outcomes. Therefore, it is important that every piece of content on the ClickView Exchange can be used in a meaningful way by teachers and students. |
Is it good quality?The ClickView Exchange allows for broadcast and user-created content to be uploaded to the platform. This is powerful because it harnesses the collective wisdom and creativity of educators to create a thriving community. So when you upload please ensure the video and its audio are good quality and the metadata is accurate. |
Copyright?Because you have the power to upload it is important to avoid copyright infringement. Remember that you can only upload content from ClickView TV or a ClickView 24/7 device, content you have made yourself (e.g a flipped classroom video) or content that you have the express consent from the owner to upload. |
The Exchange is as strong as its users, so if you see something of questionable educative value, quality or legality flag it and we’ll promptly review it.
If in doubt, ask!
We want to make collaborating and sharing content as seamless and easy as possible, because we believe the more high quality educative content that is available on the ClickView Exchange the better. So if you are unsure about anything at all we are ready to help by email or over the phone.
Don’t forget that ClickView is a community, so the best person to speak with may even be a fellow user. Suggestion? If you have any questions, suggestions or general feedback, please feel free to get in contact!