What Are ClickView Preferences?
At ClickView we understand that your requirements for content may differ from person to person, so we capture your personal preferences to help give all users a personalised ClickView experience.
New users logging in for the first time will experience our personalisation journey prior to using ClickView. During this three-step process, we aim to gather your interests so that we can personalise the ClickView content so it’s more relevant to you. Existing users of ClickView will not be required to go through the personalisation process, but, for the best possible experience, ClickView recommends setting up your preferences.
Upon logging in for the first time, users will be prompted to complete their account and be taken to the following screen. Let’s Get Started!
Setting your Preferences
1. Users will be presented with a screen like the one below. Year group options may vary between institutes depending on the year levels that are being taught.
Select the year group/s that are most relevant to you. You can select one or multiple.
NOTE: For users that teach a broad spectrum of year groups and/or administrative users, you can opt to choose the "I teach all year groups" option in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
ferfgwfwefws2. Start to customise your content.
Select any relevant teaching areas (Topics) that are applicable to you. You can select one or multiple.
NOTE: For users that teach a broad spectrum of year groups and/or administrative users, you can opt to choose the "I'm intetrested in all topics" option in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
3. Confirm your preferences.
Users will be presented with a confirmation screen which will list your previous selections. Click the "Save my preferences" button to complete your preference choice.
NOTE: Your selections during this process, will be used to promote content for the chosen topics. Content from other topics will still be available to you.
Your personalisation is now complete. Your dashboard will have your indivisualised preferences promoted.
Can I change my Preferences?
Yes. Preferences can be changed at any time. Click on your user avatar (or initials) in the top right of the screen and select 'Settings':
From the My account options, select Preferences to begin the personalisation journey again.