ClickView allows staff and admin users, to create virtual classrooms. Much like your real-world classrooms, students can be assigned and grouped which in turn will allow for blended teaching, just like in the real classroom.
When you create a classroom, you are automatically added as the owner of the classroom. You can then go to the Staff tab and invite other members of staff into your classroom so that they can easily share content with your students.
How do I create a Classroom?
1. To create a classroom, click on the 'Classrooms' menu item from the left-hand side of the screen.
2. Click the '+ Create new classroom' button, and give your classroom a name, i.e. Classroom 5-A. The Classrooms screen will show all classrooms created at your school, and you can save a classroom as a favourite by simply clicking the star in the top left of each classroom.
3. Your favourite classrooms will appear on the left-hand menu bar for quick and easy access, and at the top of the classroom list.
How do I add students to a Classroom?
1. To add students to your classroom, simply click on the classroom you want to add to, and you’ll be taken to the manage classroom screen.
2. Click the '+ Add students' button and you'll be presented with popup question to decide if your students are already setup within ClickView or your Single Sign On active directory, or not.
2a. If your student accounts have been created within ClickView by either manually adding them (see here for information on manually adding users), or your institute uses Single Sign On, click the 'Yes, students are setup' button.
2b. If your students are not yet setup within ClickView, or you are unsure if they are setup within ClickView, select the 'Not Yet' button or click "I'm not sure":
3. From step 2a, having selected that your students are setup, you now have two ways in which to add students to your classroom:
Add students manually
1. Adding students manually, will present you with a student search box:
2. Simply enter the name or part-name of the student you wish to add to your class and the search results will appear and filter as you type.
3. Click on the students name to add them to your classroom list. Continue the search for more students by typing into the search box again.
4. When you have your students, click the 'Add students' button. Once added, you’ll be returned to the Manage students screen where the list of students in the classroom is visible:
Invite students to your classroom
Inviting students to your classroom is a hassle-free way of generating a classroom link that is sent to all students within your class. Students can add themselves to the class by simply logging in using the classroom code or clicking on an invite link..
Classroom code
NOTE: If your students are not currently logged into ClickView, follow these steps
1. If you are at school and teaching a class, you ask your students to access, and from the login prompt, students can click on the 'Enter class code' link:
2. You'll need to give the five-digit code from the invite screen, to your students:
3. They will then be required to enter the five-digit classroom code:
4. Students will be prompted to login to ClickView using their username/email address, and upon successfully logging in, a confirmation screen will be displayed:
NOTE: If your students are already logged into ClickView, follow these steps
1. from the Discover screen, students will need to click on their initials in the top right of the screen, and then click the 'Join classroom' link
2. You'll need to give the five-digit code from the invite screen to your students:
3. They will then be required to enter the five-digit classroom code:
4. Students will be prompted to login to ClickView using their username/email address, and upon successfully logging in, a confirmation screen will be displayed:
Students will appear in your virtual classroom when they have successfully logged in.
Classroom invite link
An alternative to the classroom code, is the classroom invite link. An invite link can be sent directly to a class setup through our MS Teams or Google Classroom integration, or by issuing the students with the direct link. If you would like more information on our integrations, see our integration section of the Help Centre.
1. To use either the Microsoft Teams or Google Classroom integration, simply click on the icon of the integration you wish to invite students through. Google Classroom will present you with a list of your classrooms to share to, and Microsoft Teams will present you with an option to enter a person, group or channel to share with.
Alternatively, you can click on the 'Copy' button at the side of the classroom link. This will copy the link to the clipboard. The link can then be shared with your students via email, your Learning Management System, messenger application or other classroom tool.
2. After clicking on the link that they receive, students will be prompted to login:
3. After successfully logging in, students will receive a confirmation notification that they have joined your classroom:
How do I add staff to a Classroom?
1. To add staff to your classroom, simply click on the classroom you want to add to and you’ll be taken to the manage classroom screen.
2. Click the '+ Add Staff' button and you'll be presented with popup staff search box. Simply start typing the name of the member of staff, and the results will show on screen.
3. Select the member of staff by clicking on their name and then click the 'Add staff' button.
4. Your teacher/s will receive an email with a link to view and join the classroom.
5. Once invited, you can decide whether you want to promote the new member of staff to be an owner of the classroom. Classroom owners can add or remove students and staff, as well as archiving the classroom.
How do I archive a Classroom?
Classrooms that have been archived won’t be able to be accessed, shared to, or appear in Analytics. Students however will still be able to view content that has been shared to the classroom or classroom groups. ClickView Administrators will be able to access archived classrooms and restore or permanently delete them from the Archived Classrooms page in Settings.
1. To archive a classroom, select the classroom from your classroom list, click the three dots in the top right of the screen, and select Archive Classroom.
2. A popup notification will appear to notify you of what archiving does. Tick the I understand box, and then click on the Archive Classroom button.
3. ClickView administrators can view archived classrooms and restore or permanently delete them, by navigating to the Archived Classrooms page through settings, School Management option.
4. Click on the Retrieve Classroom icon at the side of the Classroom you wish to restore:
A popup window will appear with an option to retrieve the classroom. Click this to complete the retrieval of the classroom.
Groups within a classroom
With your classroom now created, along with staff and students, you may want to explore grouping students. This is particularly useful for differentiated learning within the classroom. Please see our handy guide explaining the setup and use of groups within the classroom, here.
Share to your classroom
One of the benefits of Classrooms, is the ability to easily share content to the whole class, or different cohorts of students. For more information on sharing a video, see our handy guide on Sharing.