ClickView has built in analytics to help educators understand the way students are interacting with video.
In this article, we will show you how to access online analytics and how to use them.
How do I access ClickView Analytics?
1. Login to ClickView with an Administrator account.
2. Click on your initials in the top right-hand corner of the screen and choose 'Analytics' from the drop-down menu:
3. You will now see the Analytics dashboard open in a new window. On the left-hand menu, you'll see the Analytics is divided into four main sections:
- Dashboard
- Logins
- Videos
- Interactives
The dashboard presents quick a visual of:
- Total views
- Top searches
- Most popular videos
- Video Views
- Popular subjects
The Analytics dashboard can be filtered by timeframe and also by student, classrooms and groups.
The timeframe can be tailored to cover the following time periods by changing the date range in the top right of the screen:
- Last 14 days
- Last 30 days
- Last 90 days
- Last 180 days
- Last 365 days (the report will be emailed for annual usage).
To filter by student, classroom or group, simply click on the 'Everyone' button to open up a filter:
Type your student/s, classrooms or groups. Singular or multiple can be added to the filter and a combination of students, classrooms or groups can be added:
Total views
The total views are in the main analytic section and are depicted in a pie chart. The chart can be changed to show analytics by role, year group, content type, subject and topic, by clicking the filter button on the report:
Total views by role
To view the total views by staff and students, select the filter 'Role':
Total views by year level
To view the total views by your students, select the filter 'Year Groups'. The chart is split by the year group which allows for a clear understanding at a glance, of student views according to their year levels:
Total views by content type
To view where content is being streamed from, select the filter 'Content type'. The chart is split by the type of content allowing you to see if users are watching ClickView content, content from your schools shared library, TV or even their own user generated content:
Total views by subject
To view the subjects where most videos are being streamed from, select the filter 'Subject'. The analytics are displayed in a list with a scroll bar the right-hand side of the list:
Total views by topic
To view the topics where most videos are being streamed from, select the filter 'Topic'. The analytics are displayed in a list with a scroll bar the right-hand side of the list:
Top searches
This section highlights the most searched video titles, from across the whole platform:
Clicking the link for the video, will take you directly to it within ClickView.
Most popular videos
This section will show you the most popular videos played at your school, by both the staff and students at a glance:
Clicking on one of the most popular videos, will take you to the specific analytics for that individual video. See the Video's section below.
Video Views
Video views is a graphical representation of the number of videos watched by all users, this is segmented into staff and students, and depicted as a bar graph shown below:
Popular Subjects/Topics
The Popular subjects/topics section of analytics will show the most popular subjects or topics, which are being used actively at your school. Use the filter option in the top right of the section to switch between subjects or topics:
The logins section of the analytics will show you at a glance, the number of logins within the selected timeframe.
The total number of logins is depicted in a pie chart and has the filter of Year Groups or Role. The login activity bar chart, will always be split by staff/student.
The videos section of the analytics will show you at a glance, the number of views within the selected timeframe. Videos can be split by the higher 'Overview' or lower level 'Views' toggle:
With the Overview toggle set, the total views pie chart will display the same information as the dashboard described earlier in this article. It uses the same chart and filter. The Video views bar chart will always be split by staff/student.
With the Views toggle set, you'll see the list of the most viewed videos within the timeframe selected.
Clicking on one of the videos, will take you to the specific video analytics. Analytics can be toggled by the higher 'Overview' or lower level 'Engagement' toggle.
With the toggle set to 'Overview', the analytics can be shown by Role or Year Level to show staff vs student, or student by year level.
With the toggle set to 'Engagement', users receive valuable insights not only into the views by students, but also their engagement. Our engagement section shows the heat map per view so you can see which students are watching which sections of a video.
The interactives section of the analytics will open in with the list of interactives which have been shared:
Click on the interactive you're interested in, and you'll be taken into the Overview tab which shows useful information regarding that interactive within the selected timeframe.
At a glance, you can see:
- The top views which can be changed from year groups to content type and role
- The number of video views per month
- The average amount watched
- The hardest question
- Average Score
- Student Insights
- Which Interactives need marking
- Who in the class might need a hand
- Top achievers
The results tab is where you'll see the results of your students, to the questions asked in the interactive. Superbly visual, ticks and crosses/green and red, it's easy to see how your students are tracking with the work you're setting.
Students with a pending score and percentage, require questions marking.
Click On a student or individual result to see the student's answers:
Where you see a result is Pending, it means there are answers to mark.
Clicking on the individual result, will open the students answers and you'll see which answers require marking:
Alternatively, click on the 'See responses' link from the on-screen tool tip and you'll be taken to the Questions tab:
The questions tab is where you'll see the full list of questions for your interactive. Clicking on a question, will show you the student's answers for that question. If an answer requires marking, it will be highlighted with a blue dashed line:
Arguably, the best feature of our analytics is the information captured about how engaged your students are. The engagement tab shows you the number of views which can be filtered by role and content type, along side the average amount watched and the engagement.
Engagement is captured collectively for the interactive video so you'll see instantly which parts of the video are being watched more frequently than others. In the image below for instance, you'll see darker green, i.e. higher engagement around the questions:
Heat Map
The heat map is simply the engagement, separated by the individual students. It's visually evident that where higher engagement and viewing occurs, the results tend to be higher.
In the example below, a top performing student who has watched a video 5 times and has a healthy heat map, vs a student with 1 view and an unhealthy heat map showing only 9% engagement:
Analytics reports are available for Logins and Views. To generate a report, select the timeframe of data you wish to show, click the three dots in the top right of the screen and then select 'Generate report'.
A popup confirmation screen will appear. To confirm, click the Generate report button:
NOTE: Analytic reports are provided in CSV format