Accessing the Dashboard
There are three ways to access the Local Cache Admin Console:
ClickView Settings
1. Login to ClickView as an Administrator
2. Click on your initials in the top right of the screen, then select 'Settings' from the dropdown menu:
3. Select 'Local Cache' from the 'School management' options:
4. Click on the Administrator console button:
Start Menu Shortcut
Click Start then browse to ClickView > ClickView Local Cache.
Web Browser
In a browser, go to http://localhost:9054
Signing in to the Admin Console
You may be requested to sign into the Local Cache Admin Console.
If this occurs, please enter the credentials entered during the installation of Local Cache.
The Overview page of the dashboard shows all of the storage locations that Local Cache will use to cache videos.
It also allows you to add additional storage locations, increase storage limits of existing storage locations or remove a storage location.
Adding a Storage Location
1. Click the 'Add Storage Location' option in the top right of the page.
2. Browse to the folder location and select (or create) the folder you wish to use.
3. Enter the size limit you wish to enforce then click next (for laptops, we recommend only using a maximum of 50% of your free space).
4. You will now return to the Overview page and your new storage location should be available.
Removing a Storage Location
1. Click the options icon (3 dots) on the location you wish to remove.
2. Select Delete
3. Confirm your action.
Increasing the Storage Limit
1. Click the options icon on the location you wish to increase.
2. Select Increase Storage Size
3. Enter the new storage size for the local cache storage location.