Discover is the main home page in ClickView where users can discover any topic related content that is present. Access to new releases, suggested topical content is available which also makes it easy to navigate our intuitive dashboard.
The Discover screen is personalised to each individual user, based upon a series of preferences. Content is prioritised by chosen topics, but access to all our wonderful ClickView content is available. The dashboard also learns over time, to give you more of the content you want, at your finger tips. For more information on personalisation and preferences, see our guide here.
Easy access to your Playlists and your own curated videos, is just a click away, through the Playlists and My Videos options. More information is available in our helpful Playlists and My Videos guides.
My Favourites and Watch History are there to help you quickly and easily find or remember favourite or recently viewed content. For more information, see our guides on Favourites, see our guide Watch History.
New releases are easily found within the New Releases section of Discover. Here you'll find the latest content from ClickView.
Easy navigation to your school or shared libraries from the Libraries section. Want to create your own school library, check out our guide here.
Uploading your own videos is easy thanks to our drag and drop feature. Simply select a video and drag it over the main ClickView screen. Alternatively, use the Upload button and search your device for your video.
Getting Started guides are available for the main features of ClickView and can be found here.