What is LTI?
Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is an education technology coding standard that allows learning systems to invoke and to communicate with external systems.
For example, your Learning Management System (LMS) or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), may use LTI to host course content and tools provided by external, third-party systems on a web site, without requiring a learner to log in separately on the external systems.
ClickView is compliant with both v1.1 and v1.3 coding standards. This article will guide you, the ClickView Administrator, through the specific setup of LTI v1.3 for use with the Canvas LMS.
Please contact support@clickview.com.au to enable this setting before proceeding with the steps below.
- Login to ClickView.
- Click on your avatar in the top right of the screen, and select 'Settings' from the drop-down menu:
*To enable LTI within your institute, please contact ClickView support on support@clickview.com.au
- Click on LTI platforms, and then the Add platform button:
- Give your LTI platform a name and select the LTI version and click the 'Create' button.. i.e Canvas, version 1.3
- Your platform configuration is now created. The relevant fields required for LTI integration will be shown in the Step 1 section: Login URI, Redirection URI, Deep Linking Launch URI, Public Key and Public JWK. These values will need to be copied and pasted into Canvas:
- Login to Canvas and navigate to the Admin section of your account:
In the Account Navigation, open Developer Keys:
Add an LTI Key by clicking on ‘+ Developer Key’, and the, ‘+ LTI Key’:
Enter the LTI settings:
a) Key Name - ClickView
b) Paste the Redirection URI from ClickView into the '*Redirect URIs:' field:
Select the configuration Method of 'Manual' and add the following LTI keys from ClickView, into Canvas:
a) Paste the Login URI from ClickView into the 'OpenID Connect Initiation Url' field
b) Paste the Redirection URI from ClickView into the 'Target Link URI' field
c) Select 'Public JWK' in the 'JWK Method' field
d) Paste the Public JWK from ClickView into the 'Public JWK' field -
In the 'Placements' section of the screen, add in 'Editor Button' from the drop-down menu:
- Go back and edit the developer key you've just created and scroll down to the bottom of the page where you'll see the placements section:
Within the 'Editor Button' drop-down settings:
a) Paste the Deep Linking Launch URI from ClickView into the 'Target Link URI' field
b) Select LtiDeepLinkingRequest for Select Message Type
c) Set the Icon Url to https://online.clickview.com.au/Assets/images/icons/cv-logo.png
d) Set Text to “ClickView”
e) Set Selection Height to “800”
f) Set Selection Width to “500” -
Still within the 'Placements' section of the screen, add in 'Assignment Selection':
Within the 'Assignment Selection' drop-down settings:
a) Paste the Deep Linking Launch URI from ClickView into the 'Target Link URI' field
b) Select LtiDeepLinkingRequest for Select Message Type
c) Set the Icon Url to https://online.clickview.com.au/Assets/images/icons/cv-logo.png
d) Set Text to “ClickView”
e) Set Selection Height to “800”
f) Set Selection Width to “500” - In the "LTI Advantages Services" section please toggle on the following options:
Click 'Save'
Navigate back to Admin -> ClickView -> Developer Keys -> Ensure that 'State' is set to 'ON':
Copy the short key for your newly created ClickView developer key from the Details column, as shown below from the same page:
Return to ClickView to finish your setup. Go to the LTI setup page and scroll down and complete Step 2 of the form using the information provided by Canvas:
a) Paste your Key from step 18 Canvas into the Client ID field
b) Copy and paste https://canvas.instructure.com into the Issuer field
c) Copy and paste https://<your-canvas-domain>/login/oauth2/token (For example https://clickview.instructure.com/login/oauth2/token) into the Access Token URL field
d) Copy and paste https://canvas.instructure.com/api/lti/authorize_redirect into the Authorize URL field
e) Copy and paste https://<your-canvas-domain>/api/lti/security/jwks (For example https://clickview.instructure.com/api/lti/security/jwks) into the JWK Set URL field
f) Deployment ID is to be left blank.
g) Click 'Save'The LTI Key setup is now completed. The last thing to do is to add the ClickView App to Canvas:
1. In Canvas go to Settings->Apps->View App Configurations->+ App:
2. Select Configuration Type ->By Client Id
3. Paste your Client ID from ClickView4. Click 'Install':
5. ClickView will now appear in the WYSIWYG editor and as an External Tool for assignment submission types.